Friday, March 4, 2016

Donald Trump's Hand - Palm Reading Secrets

Due to the scandal and hype about Donald Trump I wanted to do a Palm Reading on a recent photo of his hand. They say we can lie to the world but one thing that will give us away as to who we really are is our hands. I will address the shape of Donald's hand first as it is so clear.


  • Fire Hand People work well under pressure and Donald's indicates he can carry people along with his passionate energy
  • Donald's fire hand indicates he needs to always be busy to be happy. He would not last long in any occupation that is too simple or boring and would soon become easily distracted.
  • Fire hand people are ruled by passion and attracted to other fire types. They are a great match with self starters like themselves
  • Fire Hand people have great ideas, but need to evaluate them carefully to make sure they are practical before starting.
  • Donald's fire hand says he can be generous, sociable, and flashy.
  • Fire hand people are imaginative, enthusiastic, impatient, and open minded
  • People that Donald would not want to mingle with personally are down to earth "less is more" folks, or needy ass kissers.
THUMB PLACEMENT - flexible, will power, determination, logical, reasoning, secretive

The thumb has three parts to it, and in many countries is the most important towards determining a persons true personality. The top of the thumb represents will power and determination.  The bottom of the thumb represents logic and reason. {For leaders a longer lower thumb section would be a desirable trait.] The base pad of the palm, known as the Venus Mound, represents emotions. Depending on which section of the thumb is longest determines that persons personality strengths. 
  • From the picture of Donald Trumps hand he is seen with a "hitch hiker thumb" which shows flexibility in making deals
  • Donald's lower thumb section {logic and reason} is somewhat longer then his top section, {will power and determination}.  This says that though Mr Trump has will power and can be determined to get his way, his logical side and reasoning powers win in problem solving.
  • Mr. Trump's Venus pad seems normally full which indicates he can be affectionate with a love of the finer things in life.
  • Donald holds his thumb quite close to his hand indicating he is better at listening to others secrets then telling his own.
Donald Trump's thumb carries the traits of leadership with will power and determination to get what he wants.  He is seen as logical and with good reasoning.  His love for the finer things in life drives him, and though not exceptionally affectionate, he is a man that prefers the company of two or three close friends only. If he sees, or is shown a mistake in his logic he can to be flexible in decision making.

Again, in this picture Donald Trumps Hand shape is more clear then the lines in his palm. I will now speak on what his fingers say about him.

Chameleon / Story Teller/ White Lies

  • The most prominent feature in Donald Trump's communication finger is the top bend, which represents "love of a great story." Known for his outstanding ability to speak impromptu and story telling, the only draw back of this is "white lies."   
  • The top section of all fingers represents intuition.  In Donald's communication finger THE TOP SECTION is longest, which represents his ability to blend into any crowd and speak their lingo.
Donald Trump's little finger shows he can mingle into any crowd and speak their lingo.  His story telling abilities and gift of gab would be as impressive on a back porch as they are a public speaker.   Winning and selling, is all about exciting and often with the use of white lies.  All of these qualities are seen and especially in the top bow of his little finger.     

RING FINGER - "CREATIVITY" -  LARGE SPACE BETWEEN LITTLE FINGER & RING FINGER = Loner, Observer, Money Maker.  Top and Bottom sections longest. 
  • The top section of Donald Trump's ring finger represents his intuitive ability to observe the current styles and interests of society. Why is this important to creativity?  To be a success you have to know what the general population wants.  Anything geared towards this will be a success, with logic and will power.  
  • The problem seen is that Donald's Fire hand says at times he is impulsive and does not think things through enough before taking action. 
  • The bottom section of Donald's ring finger of creativity, also seen as long, says he possesses the ability to be successful and make money on his creative observations.
  •  The large space between the little finger and ring finger represent "Loner", and that he will only will get close to one or two people.
Mr. Trumps ring finger, representing creativity, shows he is intuitively gifted in observation.  He can quickly assess the latest trends and this is his win-win.  His communication ability to capture a crowd, along with what his ring finger depicts as exceptional money making skills define his creative side.
  • Top business section = Intuitive ability to know what sells
  • Middle business section = Business intelligence
  • Bottom business section = Money making skills
Of all of Donald Trump's fingers his Business Finger is the most even and straight.  This shows that his capacity and ability to make money are his greatest skill level.

POINTER FINGER - SPIRITUALITY - Spirit & Business are One

Donald Trump's pointer finger seems to bow in towards his business finger, which indicates his journey and life path are one with business.   If he doesn't feel what he is doing with his heart and soul, he won't finish the task at hand.  He is a man who "feels" his choices by gut, intuition and hind sight. 

First and foremost Donald Trump, as seen in his hand, is a business man.  He has the uncanny ability to observe intuitively, what people want, what sells, and how to say the right things to win.  Although basically a loner who values his family and only a couple of close friends, he knows how to blend in any crowd and talk their lingo.  He has a distaste for people who settle for less and needy panderers.

Mr Trump, as seen in his hand, has the will power and determination to get what he wants, and for the most part is logical and has good reasoning.  Because of his love of winning, and his desire for beauty, he can get off track.  He fails when he does not thoroughly think things through before impulsively saying or doing.

Perhaps the positive side of Donald Trump, is that if you present a solid enough case as to why his reasoning is off track he will listen, consider, and not be afraid to change his mind.  He is secretive,  knows the right things to say to gain trust and pry secrets from most anyone.  He will not tell his own secrets easily.  Spirituality and Business are one.

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