Monday, December 23, 2013

Psychic Gift Readings with Ann Marie O'Dell

Need a Novel Christmas Gift for a Friend or Family Member? Whether a Birthday Present, Christmas Gift or Act of Kindness a 15 minute reading can offer the following gift options:
  • A Seasoned Reading with a Certified Psychic Adviser of 37+ Yrs
  • Confirmation Reading for a friend you just want to assure is on the right track.
  • A romance reading for someone that needs to know the truth
  • Career Reading for hope and an Angel Message
  •  A child that you would like to hear an impartial message of truth
  • A novel exciting adventure gift they would never expect.
Purchase Gift Readings On this Page

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Women of Wisdom, Scent and Sunglasses

As I mellow with the aging Woman of Wisdom in the mirror, I am at a Scent  and Sun Glasses Crisis.  I love the wonderful intuitive awakening of balance in my life.  And I love the mystery that a great pair of sunglasses gives.  Another thing I miss is the exploration of "scent" in old world shops of velvet and silk frocks, trinkets, tapestry and exotic oils. { classy old hippy era shops, now classified "Bohemian".}

Wood Moss , {ck out new scent version} was always my favorite oil. But there came a point when oils became "too much".  I never tired of the Citrus/Paint Studio/ beat nick fresh scent of "Jean Nate,"  but that too became "Passe."   So I went to the uninteresting world of safe underarm Walt-mart deodorant.  I gave in to "Ordinary" and lost the scent-me.

 As I say farewell to 19 yr old pheromones, I also say goodbye to signature body scent.  How was I to know mine drew children to me like the Pied Piper of Nottingham,  as well as men?  It was more then being a free spirit...which I still very much am. And so it was as I was watching TV one evening a child actor said to his father, "But she smells Old Daddy."  "Oh my God.  Let that never be me. "  I screamed to myself.  I do not ever want to smell anything other then current and fascinating.

 I ran to my spiritual mentor of women, Oprah Winfrey, and on to the "Elemental" blog that stated ALL scent begin with elements of the earth.  Depending on what part of the world you are from, earth scent is going to be unique to your personal memories.  Coming from the Prairie, my "familiar" was rich black fertile soil, clean sky and the smell of rain soaked cement side walks.  Here are the two scents I ended up purchasing: 

Shop: elementalscents
Transaction ID: 167530824
Quantity: 1
Price: $17.50 USD

Shop: elementalscents
Transaction ID: 167530823
Quantity: 1

If you are a Woman of Wisdom seeking to be a blend of old world and new, never forget your greatest intrigue is your scent.And also a great pair of sunglasses!


I had to add to this blog my new discovery on how to choose a set of eye glass my case, prescription sun glasses.   How many times have I sat in an optometrist office with a well meaning kind assistant who judged whether a frame style was "age or face shape appropriate?" The problem is they had no idea of my personal style and I would spend hundreds of dollars wearing someone else's opinion of what looked amazing.  Afterwards, when home with my purchase I was disappointed.  It's embarrassing being caught self absorbed.  This time I didn't care.

Maybe the absolute look of conviction on my face gave me allowance...or maybe it was the fully dilated pupils of compassion from my recent eye exam which convinced the office to try let me try 13 sets of sunglasses on, taking two "selfie" pictures each, side and straight on. {I meticulously set each frame back in its appropriate place after each photo.}

Then I sat down and studied all the pictures.  To my amazement, the pair I really hated looked great.  My price range was set and I refused to go over budget.  The pair I ended up with looked surprisingly current, would have probably sent an assistant running SCREAMING, but made me feel sheik.  They are not for everyone. However, there is no better judge of weight and looks then a photo of ourselves.  We are our own worst critic.

As I ordered and paid for my frames,  I waved goodbye to a woman of wisdom who wished me a beautiful day, bravely allowing an assistant to ohhh and ahhhh over styles she hated.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dripping in Jeweled Christmas Lights * Achieve Radio

Around the Holidays I am shamelessly dripping in jeweled Christmas lights.  Suddenly my garden arches explode into Heavenly entrances of white, my 5 ft cement angel sparkles in gold, and the entrance to my house is lit up.  My eyes constantly scan for improvements; more electrical light brush stroke to the composition. I could give a hoot about gifts, although I do cherish a great plate of frosted cookies.

At 4:30 I leash my dog and we walk up and down the streets to view the neighbor lights.  I love the Blue light framed houses, and notice an all white color scheme is pristine and beautiful, but also, {maybe, safely age related.} It seems the older one gets the more important it becomes to be neighborhood acceptable and blend.  Not so houses with children that relish in lots of color.  I strive for a balance. 

Every year I tell myself I will pack the lights neatly, unwind them gently, and mark them as to where they go.  It is a wonderful organized high to pack them in layers in my trunk, and better yet to unpack them during the Holidays.  I am a child again opening boxes of treasure.

The next time I will take on this obsession is in the spring, when my lane explodes into jewels of laborious plantings of orchestrated tulip and spring flowers.

Ann Marie's Tarot Joy at Achieve Radio
Wednesday December 4th, 2013

LIVE READINGS * Joseph Grych AK "Lamp Bearer" visits for Holiday Tea with Ann Marie for discussion on the Celebration of Light and Christmas.

Joseph Grych, Artist, Author and Keen Reader AK "Lamp Bearer" offers delightful reflection, compassion and honest readings with Ann Marie. Call 602-666-6027

Celebrate the History of Light and Christmas in relation to the darkest days of the year as we near Winter Solstice. The Psychology behind candles, color and tribal neighborhood unity are eerily related to our primitive past. Join Joseph and Ann Marie as they offer light in your day through neighborly warm chat and live readings. Call 602-666-6027 {*5}. Listen or Watch on Web Cam Achieve TV.

WHEN:Wednesday Dec. 4, 2013
TIME: 6:00pm Eastern, 5:00pm Central, 3:00pm PT
Listen or Watch

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Prairie Crone - Intuition, Menopause, Tribal Support

Though I have always had the gift of Intuitive Vision, in my Estrogen years the way I perceived the world and myself would crash into a sort of self pity and loneliness two weeks before my period.  My reality was tinged of course not by my true positive character, but the internal storm of my hormones.

 When I think about the ancient Native American Ceremonies that prohibited menstruating women from joining in festivity for fear their energy would disrupt the calm of others.....I think back and know I was one of those melancholy, easily angered P.M.S. triggered souls.  

Of course, no one wants a Psychic Reading or advice from someone who is going through a sort of bleak mood about their own life, for fear of projection into their reading.  Thankfully in those days I was not giving readings full time.  I feel that in getting advice from anyone, measuring internally that persons mood by their voice quality, or attitude, is very important in how seriously you take the information you are receiving.


When I turned 50 a wonderful calm came into my life and I could wake up with it, go to bed with it, and it did not leave me.  Of course everyday financial decision dictated my life like everyone else, but my way of dealing with emergency and crisis was not so radical and I could make less emotional choices. I understood at last why the circles of white and grey haired medicine women and men made so many tribal decisions.  Without raging male testosterone to distort aggression, or feminine estrogen to distort melancholy, we find at the core is pure clarity of vision!


I see that getting older is a blessing, provided we care for our bodies, exercise, eat right and choose carefully who we hang out with.   Let me add here, that I also believe that each of us is a vehicle for Angel Guidance, and how we take care of ourselves honors our guides and in response, our personal blessings are increased.  {Letting our selves become out of shape and inactive within our control, is the same as letting our cars go without oil or tuneups.}

One of my favorite realizations is that the great spiritual leaders of this world, and I will use Jesus and Buddha as example, understood you can heal the masses but you never bring them home with you.

Your private circle of friends, as with Jesus and Buddha and their disciples, are a support system.  If you allow the broken or wounded to come home with you, or choose to nurture one as your lover, you too will get sucked into the dark rabbit hole of crisis.  And this pertains to Peace Corp, Medical Heroes that assist in natural disasters and war, as well as our own families.  We must always have a strong like-minded support circle even if that connection is only once a month.  They are the strong shoulders who assist during tough times when we need a reality check. But you must give strength as well as take it.  Being a lone wolf is not an excuse.  We are all tribal.  Even if this tribe exists in Social Networking.  It is sanity during the storm.

As the Prairie Crone, I hope to be your strong shoulder, your tribal sister of wisdom, and be in assist through your dark nights of the soul, as well as share your joys.