Wednesday morning I woke up to the news of Russian troops being put on hold on Ukraine grounds, and that in response the world stock market was soaring high after an hour long press conference in which President Vladimir Putin claimed he was misunderstood. President Putin said he was defending the humanitarian rights of the Ukraine people and not taking over like Hitler. President Putin also claims the soldiers in the Ukraine are not Russian and that anyone can buy a green uniform.
Tuesday March 3, 2014 - Ann Marie's Political Psychic Prediction on Russia-Ukraine-US
Inside the political head
As President Vladimir Putin ends the Olympics and marches his troops into the Ukraine, with stealth silence he gains control of an area crossed by pipe lines delivering oil to the West. The entire last month is seen as a preliminary chess board strategy to set up mental intimidation through the display of Russian wealth and power. Gays flamboyantly dance their way across the country without arrest, and Russia patiently waits...gaining the highest number of gold medals, further proving their determination to be top dog. We listen to the news, one reporter assessing that Putin is just a good guy with a National dream to bring the old Russian image back, while another speaks of his cold calculated strategy and disdain for President Obama as a man living on Utopian dreams. Meanwhile stocks plummet around the world while the price of crude oil and gold soar. It is said that Putin did not anticipate this part and that in the long run it will be financial crisis that speaks louder then diplomacy.
While President Vladimir Putin could care less about Americas interests, he still wants the glory of looking like a fair take charge leader. And though he may not like President Obama's Utopian dream, he himself has been all about the National dream of Russia. In a sense, Putin's disdain of Obama is his assured place in history, further triggering Putin to desire his own place in history as the leader who brought back the glory and strength of Russia. His fear now is people will see his Spiritual visit to the Pope and the Olympics as a man of integrity and morality, as nothing really more then a jerk. Campaign propaganda will be everywhere to give Putin back his investment into the image of a just and moral leader. He will back out glorifying his reasons for setting troops into the Ukraine with honorable reasons. And as fast as the hysteria started, it is seen, so will it end.
While President (Vladimir) Putin could care less about America's interests, he still wants the glory of looking like a fair take-charge leader. And though he may not like President Obama's Utopian dream, he himself has been all about the National dream of Russia. In a sense, Putin's disdain of Obama's assured place in history as first black US president, triggers Putin's desire for his own place in history as the "earned leader" who brought back the glory of Russia. His fear now is people will see his Spiritual visit to the Pope and the Olympics as a man of integrity and morality, as nothing more then theatrics. Campaign propaganda will be everywhere to give Putin back his investment into the image of a just and moral leader. He will back out with propaganda glorifying his reasons for setting troops into the Ukraine. And as fast as the hysteria started, it is seen, so will it end. It will be made to look as once again a simple gesture for establishing peace, was turned into an unnecessary over emotional frenzy by American Press.
a lesson from Author Maya Angelou
a lesson from Author Maya Angelou
- Leaders that keep silent while enforcing control, can speak out later {and get out of anything.}
- Maya Angelou, my favorite poet/author, writes of a great lesson in one of her books: When we are young we blurt out anything on our mind. Maya Angelou writes that it was a profound revelation when she realized saying nothing, while smiling calmly and looking directly in an opponents eyes is seen as great wisdom...{and one never has to apologize for impulsive words.} It appears that this is President (Vladimir) Putin's strategy as well.
- No matter who the leader is, the world stock market REALLY runs the show.
Ann Marie O'Dell: http://thecallingoflgiht.com